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Sports Day 2015

Hello Everyone,

Sports day is next Friday 3rd July and the parents association are going to serve a BBQ lunch for the school and families and friends who have come to support at 11.30am at the rec. The sports will then start once everyone has eaten.

I've put a list of up in the outdoor classroom asking for your choices for the BBQ - either a hot-dog or vegetarian sausage in a roll. Please can you mark up the choices for your family (please include any children at school plus family or friends who'd like to eat). We need your choices by Tuesday afternoon please.

We'll also be serving plenty of soft drinks, water, some salad veggies and fruit - and if you would like to contribute a plate of cakes or biscuits please can you let Hannah or Michelle know (so we don't end up with too much or too little!).

And if you are free on Friday morning and love wrestling with the gazebos please let Michelle know as we could do with a couple of helpers to put them up on the rec!


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