School OPEN DAY.
On Wednesday 25th September we will be holding a school Open day from 9.30 - 12.00 and 13.30 - 15.00. Everyone Welcome
WW1 Coffee Morning
Photos from our World War 1 commemoration coffee morning are now visible on the events page. Thank you to everyone who took part.
PA Communication Method
South Stoke Primary School Parents Association is introducing a new system called Classlist to enable parents to communicate easily with...
South Stoke are part of the Oxfordshire Teaching School Alliance
South Stoke Primary School actively encourages Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and works closely with OTSA when promoting teaching and/or...
Young Voices 2018
The juniors had a lovely afternoon and evening at Young Voices. They spent the afternoon with a professional conductor as part of the...
Relax Kids
Relax Kids Club is starting again tomorrow for the JUNIOR CHILDREN ONLY. If you wish your child to participate please email the office...
School Visit
We had a visit from Patience today. She told the children all about growing up in Nigeria. We learnt lots about the food grown and eaten....
Australia Day
We have had an exciting day, we all did some cooking this morning the infants made vegetable kebabs, Mr Wilkinson's class made beef...
French Day
We are having a lovely day and we all look great in our French costumes or red, white and blue. We have enjoyed an energetic Tour de...
Multi Skills Events this week
We have had a lovely time at Whitchurch and Stoke Row this week. Year one and two had a fantastic time in the sunshine on Monday at...