Special Educational Needs
All children have their own educational needs, however where these needs require greater support, the government has provided additional funding so that these children can be given the opportunity to flourish. We are required to publish the details of how special educational needs are fulfilled within our school.
Provision in school was discussed linked to the school's Inclusion Policy, incorporating Special Educational Needs Information, dated September 2015 and ratified by the governing body.
6 pupils were identified in KS1 as having additional needs, 4 were catered for in the classroom with 2 needing extra support through intervention strategies.
10 pupils were identified in KS2 with 2 being catered for in the classroom and 8 needing extra support through intervention strategies.
Progress of Special Needs puils linked to the school's SIP target of improving pace of lessons to increase rate of progress and improving opportunities for pupils to become independent learners was discussed.
In KS2 pupils set their own targets within parameters given by the teacher
In English the focus has been on embedding basic concepts as well as extending skills taught throughout the year.
The division of the junior class has ensured that all KS2 children are taught in classes of under 20 for 4 mornings a week for English and Mathematics and is resulting in the majority of SEN children making good progress.
Ongoing book sampling/scrutiny identified progress made for each individual child. The SEN governor has planned further samples to be undertaken in term 3 2016.
The new marking policy was sent out to parents and no feedback has been given. The children understand the marking policy and are very positive when discussing their next steps with the SEN governor.
Pupil premium: There is currently 1 pupil receiving this. Details of expenditure are outlined in the Pupil Premium section of this website.
Intervention Strategies used in school:
Handwriting and spelling of high frequency words including copy, cover, write and check; over writing; under writing; handwriting patterns
Daily reading 1:1 to ascertain understanding of text
Number pairs and multiplication practise
1st class Number
Precision teaching
Quick recall practice of 4 operations
Sentence formation using high frequency words and/or phonic knowledge
Phonics revision
Please click here for the "Review of intervention strategies for pupils on Special Needs Register"